How long do you need coverage?
Overseas Travel Insurance Services LLC

Every year, millions of global citizens travel outside their Home Countries often leaving their medical insurance behind within their home borders. We find that many domestic US insurance carriers only cover your medical needs overseas when there is a ”Life Threatening or Urgent situation”.
Short Term Medical coverage, 5 days and renewable up to 3 years. Maximum medical coverage options up to $2,000,000. Ideal for Students that study abroad, obtaining Visa medical coverage requirements, anyone traveling or residing outside their “Home Country”, or for short or long term travels anywhere in the world with an Immediate ID card.
Group, Corporate or Missionary Insurance packages available with custom designed coverage and premium discounts including self-funding options. Extended Furlough coverage while in the United States and daily rates are available for specific plans.
Travel Medical Insurance & Immigration Insurance that covers Non-US citizens while in the United States.